Me in a nutshell!

Gratitude fills my heart because I am able to guide and help so many beautiful souls.

I am my own BOSS! Bossbabe, Bossmom, yes BOSS! I say BOSS because I get to write my own story without limitations.

I am blessed to be my own boss because it allows me to have the freedom to work and still have time for those that matter in my life. TIME is that important to me and I value it a lot.

I genuinely offer services that come from deep in my heart because that is how much I care. I truly and wholeheartedly do!

I am able to help others build their own wealth on a massive scale while also having the freedom to spend their quality time with those they love.

I have unlimited potential of earning income, even when I am asleep ;).

I am able to work remotely from anywhere in the world.

I love sharing success because there is abundance of it to go around!

The work I do with health, wellness, fitness, finance & spirituality all aligns with each other!

I enjoy sharing my positive light to others as much as I enjoy receiving them from others. We are here to exchange these powerful notions.

If I can at least teach you one thing (anything it may be), that makes me happy! That’s #winning for the both of us!

Some people say, “wow! you’ve got a lot of things going on!” and they praise me for it. My soul tells me so and it brings me so much joy in my life! I wouldn’t have it any other way!

HEALTH! Will always be a priority! If I don’t have my own health in check, how would I be able to help my love ones and others? How will you enjoy your successes in life?! HEALTH should be a top priority for everyone!

I love spending time enriching my mind with things that elevates my knowledge…things like; reading, researching, learning new things, studying….I rarely watch T.V.

I’ve been vegan since 12/2019 and I love all the foods I eat and always make sure it is always colorful! I am more of a whole food plant based type of person; organic lentils, beans, tofu, tempeh, tons of veggies, grains, nuts, seeds and tons of veggies. I seldomly will consume packaged type foods.

I left those wage-earning jobs in my late 20s because I was never treated right, I couldn’t stand being stuck in an office/building 9-5 with management watching me like a hawk, driving to/from work for 2hours+ each day and I was overworked for the money I was getting paid. It took a lot of time away from my little daughter. I felt trapped. I always felt I was meant to do something much greater! And here I am today, still thriving!